Friday, February 13, 2009

Red Carpet Premiere - Friday The 13th

So, Friday The 13th & Valentines Day all on the same weekend, Well thats definitely a range in emotions, Anyhow as Friday The 13th hits us on a cold & stormy night, The classic Horror Film has been recreated once again. Now is it the same Movie or bits and pieces from all the others. Hollyscoop.com recently sent me to cover the Red Carpet Premiere @ Grauman's Chinese Theatre to find out. Have a scary & sexy Friday the 13th/Valentines Day Weekend

Movie / Friday The 13th - Website (New Line Cinema & Paramount)


Taiwan (Starshotyoshi) said...

I knew you were gonna get the mic soon....

Tell Hollyscoop that I have a crew and can be a satellite reporter!

Gpoop said...

Ronnie, great interview.

Tai, nice to see you getting in there and trying to make things happen!