Thursday, December 15, 2011

Who really has The X Factor????

THAT IS THE QUESTION, Season One of the Powerhouse Reality Show, proved to have everyone buzzing. The Fox Program had you asking questions like, "Is Rachel Crow really a Teenager," "What does everyone see in Chris Renee," and "WTF is wrong w/ Crazy Eyes, Stacy Francis." This season of the X Factor was filled with multiple views and opinions. Myself.... along w an INCREDIBLE Group of Co-Hosts, recapped the entire season of the X Factor on AfterBuzzTV. Anchored by Actress KAT BAILESS, JC Rubio, Marcie Smith, & The Macedo Twins, we brought you a weekly podcast about the initial USA Season. Click Here to download the podcast on ITunes. I have also posted a few Youtube Clips that showcase how much fun we had in the studio, Enjoy !!!!

Video / Co-Host Links : CLICK HERE

Friday, December 2, 2011

Macedo Performance @ Falcon

Hello Hello, recently got a chance to check a performance from the Macedo Twins. The show was an intimate performance @ Falcon in Hollywood. For me, its always such a cool vibe to see an entertainer work on some new material. I recently met the sisters on the After Show for The X-Factor. Although our primary goal is to recap the show, I also found out that the two of them where musically inclined, and being the supportive person that I am, I had to ch-ch-check it out. They did GREAT, below are some necessary links etc etc, if you'd like to learn more about them, thanks so much !!!! Website Link : click here

Macedo - Performance @ Falcon, Hollywood